Showing Dogs
We have been showing dogs for over 25 years. We started showing Cavalier King Charles Spaniels when Kate was a child. She won many awards including a medal at Crufts. We had success with the Cavaliers we bred and showed winning best in show and many awards at championship shows.

In the past nine years Miniature Schnauzers have stolen our hearts. They have given us so much pleasure in and out of the ring. We have been very fortunate to own and show and groom some beautiful dogs. Winning challenge certificates and many awards at championship shows. Kate has been judging dogs for many years and travels around the country. She is the handler showing the dogs and does all the training and trimming. Linda is Kate's mum and helps her with a lot of the hard and rewarding work that comes with the dog world. Linda is a retired human hairdresser. Dogs are our life passion and love and we could not see our world without them.